In anticipation of a big crowd at our house on Tuesday night, and in celebration of Spring cleaning, and because I'm sick and tired of waiting "just one more month" for the puppy to be entirely,
totally potty trained...
I got the carpets cleaned. There's a lot of this goin' on right now:

And this:

And this. Do you love fresh tracks in your wall-to-wall carpets? I surely do. It looks so pristine, if only for a moment.

To get at the very edges of the carpet, the cleaning folks tucked our drapes and sheers up in the window ledges. That's the way they were left overnight.
When I awoke early the next day, the morning light was sifting through the curtains in the most beautiful manner:

It was lovely. It reminded me of the way the Dutch Masters painters would position their subject near a window, and lovingly render the folds in their clothing, tapestries, table cloths, and dishrags with the most bewitching precision:

It's funny, how sometimes you stumble on accidental loveliness.
A lovely reminder to look for beauty in the simple, everyday things...and a fitting tribute to the creative artist/photographer/romantic/poet in you! xoxo