There's a reason I made pug-face cookies a few days ago. It's
this face. The face of our new baby pug:

It all started several months ago, when five adult pugs suddenly found themselves homeless when their owner was taken quite ill. A good-hearted rescuer swooped in to take on all five. Then, surprise! One female, Pepsi, turned out to be pregnant:

On December 16, Pepsi had her babies. Now there were
ten dogs needing a home! About December 19, I was shopping in a local, wonderful pet shop when I heard about the puppies. We went to visit them when they were just a few weeks old:

The Hubby, The Boy, and I were all bemused by how adorable they were, and what a wonderful, calm, and friendly dog Momma Pepsi was:

Visiting the pugs was one of the highlights of our January!

When the babies hit 5 weeks, we chose one to be ours. At 8 weeks, they are ready for their new homes. Here's our little boy, on his first-ever car ride, going home with us:

(I must confess I bent my own rule and let him ride on my lap, rather than in the back where my dogs always sit, buckled into their seat belts.)
Once he got home, there was lots to do. Checking out the chew toys...

...and falling asleep.

Running at a speeding blur around the kitchen...

...and falling asleep.

Being cute and showing off a pink tongue...

...investigating cupboard knobs...

...tugging on toys...

...and falling asleep again.

This little guy and his siblings are proof that you
can get a purebred, you
can get a puppy, and you
can rescue a lovely dog instead of buying into the puppy-mill madness.

He's the best Valentine's Day gift, ever!
Too cute, all of it!! I'm thinking probably the reason Pao wasn't interested in eating is that he couldn't smell the food because of the URI. Now that he's been diagnosed and on meds, is he eating normally now?