My Lovely Eldest Sister (a.k.a. L.E.S.) and her Handsome Hubby showered us with a plethora of different images on the stamps. And they all have pugs on them.
Most. Excellent. Present. Ever!
When I thanked her by phone, L.E.S. said Zazzle's website has kajillions of stamps, already made up by somebody, which anybody can buy. Or you can design your own and have them made.
Imagine how much fun that would be: Your family pet, or the bar mitzvah boy, or you and your sorority friends could be stamps!
My L.E.S. sent us stamps with straightforward images of pugs, like this one:
So, some of the stamps feature pugs inserted into famous works of art. This image features a work of art inserted into a convertible:
Go check it out: These stamps could even make paying bills a hoot!
Well, almost.
SO glad you all liked the pugger postage -- they had your names on them and you simply HAD to have them! xoxo